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We ride at Trent Park Equestrian Centre (nearest tube stop is Oakwood on the Picadilly line).

All lessons are one hour long, so please ensure you arrive at least fifteen minutes early to the stables for your lesson!

We have a maximum of eight riders per lesson, so make sure you book your place in advance. If you have never ridden at Trent Park before, you will need to fill out a rider's form before your lesson.

Below is some information on the different riding abilities, but if you are still unsure, please don't hesitate to email us with your riding history!

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If this is your first time riding, or if you have not ridden very often, then this would be the group for you.

Beginners should be working towards:


applying simple aids and instructions (for halt, walk, and trot)

achieving rising trot effectively, and understanding what the correct diagonal is


 developing a balanced seat on the horse




If you have ridden before, and are confident riding in trot, then Novice is for you. 


Novices should be working towards:


having a balanced seat that is maintained


learning to canter and work over poles


beginning to work in open order and not as a ride


being more aware of others riding within the riding school


beginning to understand how to collect the horse



If you are confident in walk, trot and canter, and have just started learning to jump, then intermediate lessons are the choice for you.


Intermediate riders should be working towards:


riding in open order effectively, with an awareness of what other riders are doing around them


learning how to collect the horse and riding lateral movements, such as leg yielding


adapting their riding to the different types of horses they ride


jumping fences up to the height of 50cm, and starting to count strides up to, and between, fences 




If you can jump fences over 80cm, and are confident riding the more challenging horses, this is the group for you.


Advanced riders should be working towards:


being able to complete a dressage test


jumping fences over 80cm


focusing not only on improving themselves, but also on improving the horses they ride and their weaknesses


being able to perform more complex lateral work



Friendly League

Advanced riders who are not on the BUCS teams, but still want to compete for KCL, now have the opportunity to ride against other universities in our Friendly League.


All competitions have the same format as the BUCS competitions. The only difference is that these have a more relaxed atmosphere.


If you would like to compete in the Friendly League, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information!


BUCS Teams

Our BUCS riders represent KCL in competitions against other universities, and this year we are pleased to be putting forward another three teams into the BUCS league.


Each team is made up of four riders. Competitions are made up of two parts: a dressage test in the morning, and a showjumping course in the afternoon. Four horses will be allocated for dressage, and four different horses for showjumping. Each team rides the same four horses for each discipline, with each rider drawing a horse's name out of a hat, so having a bit of luck comes in handy!



Team trials take place at the beginning of every academic year. For further information, please contact us via email.

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If you would like to join our lessons, you must buy a membership first, which includes insurance for the year.


Beginners, Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced riders 



Beginners, Novice, Intermediate and Advanced riders 



Beginners, Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced riders 



BUCS Team riders 



1 hour session for members



1 hour session for non-members

£60 - £85


1 hour session


£78 - £90

Please note that subsidised lessons can only be booked through KCLEC. If you would like to arrange lessons outside of the club schedule, this will be at full (non-member) prices.


Lessons must be booked via the KCLSU website by 12pm Monday on the week of the lesson. If the item is out of stock that means that the lesson is full, you will need to book a place for the next lesson.





Please only book riding lessons if you are 100% able to attend! Lessons will be paid for online and there will be no refunds available.



Riding hats & boots can be borrowed from Trent Park, at no extra charge. All hats are the latest European safety standard, PAS 015, which exceeds the new British safety standard and is the highest standard available (If you are bringing your own hat please make sure it meets the current standards).


Riders should wear long comfortable trousers, e.g. leggings or jogging bottoms, a top that covers their shoulders and a shoe/boot with a smooth sole and small heel. Caterpillar boots are often too chunky and jeans can rub on the seams in all the wrong places! Trainers are not acceptable footwear and we strongly advise that wherever you are in the world DO NOT ride in trainers – they are dangerous, and you foot could easily become wedged in the stirrup. Long hair should be tied into a low pony tail with all grips and clips removed, and riders should remove any jewellery. 


As you will be riding regularly we recommend that you purchase some of the correct riding clothing. You can purchase a variety of horse riding equipment at the equestrian centre shop. This includes riding hats, boots, body protectors jodhpurs, gloves, riding crops and a variety of other horse riding related wear. 


We also have club kit which is available to purchase through the link below.




Team Riders


For riders who ride in our BUCS competitions they will need their own competition attire.


BUCS rules state:

Riders should be smartly dressed. Shirts must be worn with a tie or stock. Breeches/jodhpurs should be white, pale yellow or fawn in colour. Plain black or brown long boots or Jodhpur boots with matching black or brown leather gaiters (but not suede half chaps) must be worn. Gloves are compulsory for Dressage and are recommended for Showjumping. As part of some centres policies they require body protectors for jumping so they are necessary as well.



We highly recommend especially to team members that they make use of our team kit (link below).






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