What time will my lesson take place?
Lesson times vary from week to week, but always take place on a Wednesday between 1.15-5.15pm. We will not be able to tell you the time of your lesson any time before Tuesday, as we will not know. We are sent the lesson times by the riding centre the day before the lessons. We will send you the time via email as soon as we are aware of it ourselves. Please check your KCL email address for this email.
What ability group should I ride in?
Please use the guidance on our website. This tells you more about the ability expected of riders in each lesson group. Please be truthful when deciding which group you should be in as if the instructor feels you are not capable of riding in the ability group you’ve chosen, you will be asked to dismount. If you’d like our help in determining the ability group you should be in, please feel free to send us an email! In your email, you should include some information about your riding experience - we can’t guess your ability based on the length of time you’ve been riding. For instance, if you’ve cantered but not jumped, please let us know - this is the kind of detail which will enable us to better fit you into the correct ability group and ensure your safety.
Which membership should I buy?
Unless you are a member of our competitive BUCS teams, you should buy the standard membership. If you ride in the beginner, novice, intermediate, or advanced lessons, you are not a BUCS team member, and should buy the standard membership. You must have a membership in order to ride with us.
How long does membership last? Can I join the club half-way through the year?
Memberships last for the full academic year, starting in September. You can join whenever you’d like to, but the cost of the membership will be the same, and will expire at the end of the academic year.
What time should I arrive for my lesson?
We ask that you arrive to the lesson at least 15 minutes early, so you can check in at reception and find your horse to ensure the lesson starts on time.
Can I borrow riding equipment?
Yes! Your membership fee covers the hire of hats and boots from the riding centre, but you will need to wear your own clothes. For beginners, we recommend comfortable clothing that you can move and stretch in, and which will be warm or cool enough for the time of year. If you want to continue riding in the future, we advise that you invest in a pair of jodhpurs or breeches of your own - these can be purchased from the riding centre, riding shops around London, or online.
Is there space in the ability group I’d like to join?
Availability for lessons varies from week to week, depending on how many people buy a space in the lesson. If you try to book a lesson on the KCLSU website and are unable to add it to your cart or check out, the lesson is full and you won’t be able to book a space. We cannot tell you if a lesson is full or not; you will need to check this yourself.
I’ve tried to buy a space in the next lesson for my ability,
but I can’t add it to cart. Why?

This will mean the lesson is sold out. Unfortunately, lesson spaces are capped for safety reasons and we cannot make any special arrangements to add you in as an extra rider. We suggest that you book as many lessons as you’d like to ride in as soon as they are released to ensure you get to ride.
How do I join the BUCS teams?
You must be able to ride at the level expected in our advanced lesson, and also be able to ride a BD novice test and jump a course of 90cm. If you’re capable of this, you may be able to try out for teams at the start of the academic year (in September). If this is something you’re interested in, please let us know nearer the time so that we can include you when we start to send emails for try-outs. If, based on the information you give us, we feel you are not capable of this, you will not be able to try out for safety reasons.
Can I leave my bags at the riding centre?
Yes! You will be able to leave any bags you have at the reception at Trent Park (where you sign in for your lesson).
When can I move up an ability group?
We cannot decide when you’re ready to move up groups as we have not seen you ride. If you think you’re ready to move into the next group, please speak to your instructor of your lesson. They will be able to tell you more. If you book into a higher ability group which you’re not ready for, you will be asked to dismount to ensure the safety of you, the horse, and everyone else in the lesson.
I can’t make it to a lesson I’ve booked. What should I do?

Please let us know if you can’t make it to a lesson to ensure there isn’t a horse waiting around for you. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to offer refunds, but we may be able to offer other riders the chance to buy the lesson place from you if you let us know far enough in advance to arrange this.
Do I need my own horse to be able to ride? 

No, you will be riding the riding centre’s horses.